Welcome to the College Now Adult Programs & Services Inquiry
Form! Our team is federally funded through the TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers (EOC) program which allows us to offer all of our services for FREE to eligible participants. TRIO EOC programs
provide counseling and information on college admissions to qualified adults
who want to enter or continue a program of post-secondary education. To determine students' eligibility, we need
the following information, which is confidential and will be used for
documentation only.
When this form is
completed, you will proceed to our calendar where you will be able to
set up an advising appointment with our team. If you have any questions, or would prefer to talk over the phone, please
reach out to us using the information below:
Cleveland Resource Center
Lingyan Gao at (216) 306-0861
Hajar Rouiha at (216) 340-0590
Akron Educational Opportunity HUB
Amy Xue at (216) 635-0182
Shawn Campbell at (216) 200-5344